DECEMBER 11, we will hold our 2nd ROADSIDE CLEANUP on our stretch of Hwy 401 that we Officially Adopted this past year! Bring your “Picker-Uppers”, Reflective Vests and help us clean up our section from Pittman Grove Church Road to Parker Church Road from 10:00am till 1 pm. (After the event we will have some Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Drinks prepared by Chris and Kim Holland, also bring a chair or sit on your tailgate or wrap it to go and take it home.) we will have extra vest and bags. THANKS FOR HELPING) WE WILL Rendezvous at a little side road called JOYCE LANE, (which is sort of diagonal across 401 from Parker United Methodist Church) see link at end of this sentence and please park on the grass to the right not the road. >>>>>
FRIDAY DECEMBER 3, Hoke GOP had a booth at the Hometown Christmas! What a GREAT JOB by all who helped put that together! We registered over 40 people and collected some contacts and emails. See pics above
DECEMBER 16 we will have our regularly schedule monthly meeting at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm, but this meeting will be our Christmas Social! Just come on out, have some finger foods on us, drinks own your own and enjoy the Holiday Spirit. PK’s is at 155 Airport Drive Raeford NC 28376
NEWS: New Hispanic Voter Numbers Should Send Chills Down the Spines of Democrats
From >
We hope everyone will have a Safe and Merry Christmas in the Greatest Country and Best State in the Nation!
FROM: Hoke County Republican Party (Hoke GOP)