Early Vote Numbers

Hoke GOP Pre-Election Day Brief


Out of 32,784 registered voters Hoke 14,524 showed up for Early Voting. That means 18,260 people still have not voted!!! GET OUT AND VOTE everyone! In Hoke County we have 15 polling locations and on election day you MUST go to your specific precinct to vote. You can find out where your polling location is by doing a voter search on yourself at this link> https://www.ncsbe.gov/registering/checking-your-registration  see attached 


If you can help on election day by passing out our Hoke GOP Voter Guide, shot us an email hokegop@gmail.com. We need folks to support Republican Candidates in Hoke County! NO MATTER what happens on election day, we are very encouraged at the amount of support we have had thus far. The party continues to grow, and more and more people are just plain fed up with the same ol people being elected year after year and nothing ever changes. WELL, that IS changing right before your eyes! GET INVOLVED and things will change!


We know the democrats will do anything and everything to either hang onto power or get power. In Hoke County it is no different. We have the MOST Observer’s we have ever had, 19 to help us keep an eye on Election Day Operations!!! BUT here is how you can help!! If you went to a Polling Location and experienced an issue with voting, fill out an Incident Report!!! It takes less than 2 minutes. Here is the link > https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6YcSQz03FB64T-XXS7t_tuTrEL6EYvdwRmh38Bbfxn0nfOg/viewform


Join Us at PK’s Grill on election night from 7-9 pm at the Raeford Airport. We want to say THANK YOU for all those who helped us this cycle and yes, start planning for 2022 cause you know what, Wednesday morning will come and there WILL BE another election right around the corner. Staying up to speed on the issues is paramount and we need your voice to help defeat the liberal left!

THANK YOU AGAIN for all your support and let’s Keep America Great, Save Hoke County and send Cooper packing in North Carolina!

Hal Nunn

Hoke GOP Chair

Facebook: Hoke County GOP

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