Here is the Hoke County Republican Party “Endorsed” Voter Card that you can print and carry with you to the polls and share on all platforms. Please also see our FACEBOOK PAGE; Hoke GOP. — HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and COLLEGE AGE STUDENTS — in Hoke County, if you have ever wanted to learn about the election process, NOW is the time to get involved and experience and election cycle. Feel free to reach out to us via email: to find out how you can become involved in your community and help preserve our future.
POLL WORKERS Paid and Volunteer are needed for this election cycle. If you are interested in becoming a poll worker or helping us Knock on Doors, Make Calls, Work in our Headquarters, Pig Pickin, Fall Fest Parade, Fall Festival Booth and helping us collect school supplies and hurricane relief items please contact us at
KEY DATES; During Early Voting October 17 – November 3, and days before early voting. / DOOR KNOCKING Only 3 Saturdays for about 2 or 3 hours each. Maybe more in some situations ( Paid and Volunteer ). / Meet and Greet Pig Pickin October 18 at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 4-7 pm. / Fall Festival Parade Float November 1. / Fall Festival Booth November 3. / Two Calling Parties, Envelope Stuffing and Mailings November 2 and 5. /
The Hoke County Republican Party feels this mid-term election is URGENT and we need you to ACT NOW to help make Hoke County’s Future Brighter and Preserve Forever OUR United States of American constitution! We also want to stop judges from legislating from the bench, stop attacking good people because they have different political beliefs than you and WE SUPPORT President Trump and his administration.
Do you want to see these people take over our country? Nancy Pelosi, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kirsten Gilibrand, Keith Ellison and Diane Feinstein. THAT IS WHY THIS MID-TERM is URGENT.
Locally, we’ve NEVER HAD a Republican Elected to the Board of Commissioners and all one has to do is look at the past and issues in this county and learn there has got to be a better way to do things! Conservative Republicans and Independents…..NOW IS OUR FUTURE ! Register to Vote and then GO VOTE ! or REQUEST and Absentee Ballot here>