GREAT MEETING last night and we had a visitor, David Buzzard the RNC Regional Field Director for 8th District. He talked about a Voter Registration Drive that we will have next Tuesday September 24 at Rockfish during the day. VOTER REGISTRATION forms will be on hand and we discussed the Advantage Program for candidates. We have a few Conservative Judges for 2020 cards on hand. We have stickers, cards, signs for Dan Forest and also Richard Hudson stuff, Mike Hardin Stuff, Steve Bibey, Skipper Creed, Trump stuff coming. Our gun drawing fundraiser is on-going and we need you to help us sell tickets for a chance at a 1st-Remington 870 Shotgun, 2nd-CHOICE; Tandem Skydive or 4 pack to Wind Tunnel or 3rd-XBOX. Tickets $10 each or 3 for $20. We’re looking at having a TRUMP COUNTRY 2020 STEAK OUT PARTY/AUCTION (and need items to auction off). We’re following the Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud Cases in Hoke as well as the Felon’s voting. (That’s something we all can agree on that we need fair elections RIGHT?) We will have a float (hopefully) in the Fall Festival Parade ( Oct 17 ) and a Republican tent at the festival (Oct 19) and we need folks to fill time slots at the festival. HELP. Still will be needing Poll-workers, Judges, Asst Judges, Campaign workers, Callers for Hoke GOP, campaign chairs for Trump, Hudson, Forest, Hardin and we need Poll Observers. There’re also possibilities to sit on boards and committees. One person brought up that we should sponsor a call that our Hoke Commission Board be expanded and or add districts so the communities can be more represented. We’re looking to start a Conservative Coalition for Young Republicans and College Republicans. ( If you have a young conservative kid who wants to learn more and get involved, let us know) HOKE HIGH, SAND HOKE, Home Schooled or basically any Young Conservative. GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE!! We will be transitioning our email lists to Constant Contact for a better streamlined approach. Our two web sites and are up and running and have tremendous amounts of info on them. SHARE !! NEXT MEETING will be moved to October 15 at the Rockfish Town Hall 7pm due to 17th being parade day. #VOTERED2020 NOW is the TIME to GET ON BOARD !