Hoke GOP Brief June 12

We hope all of you well and your families are safe and healthy! Hoke GOP joins all of America in condemning the death of George Floyd and understands we need to listen more to our brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors of all races. We need to work together in developing solutions to inequality, racism and ensure justice for everyone.  We have come a long way but still have more to do. We support peaceful protest and denounce the violence, looting and destruction of property. Let us pray for healing and direction from our God and continue to move forward making America that shining light on a hill for the world to see!

We will resume our Hoke GOP meetings June 18 at 7pm at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport. WE MUST get back engaged in the issues and involved in the process of RE-Electing President Donald Trump, ELECTING Dan Forest as the next Governor of NC ( it’s past time for Roy Cooper to go ), maintain control of the US Senate, gain seats in the US House, regain control of the North Carolina General Assembly, Electing Conservative Judges and we have several local elections that need our attention and support. We all know the liberal, progressive, green-new-deal left is trying to take advantage of what is going on in our country and turn it into to gaining power and control ( Just look at Seattle ) so they can push their agenda. We simply cannot let that happen!

The NC GOP State Convention has been changed to a 2-day event on July 10-11, 2020 in Greenville. They are working to have it Virtually and In-Person. Registration Deadline is June 19. Here is link.


HOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD: The Board of Elections will open registration for School Board in July. Anyone interested in running for school board should check with Board of Elections. Here>


Interested in being a Poll Worker ? There will be opportunities to work inside the polls and we always appreciate our poll workers and need more folks to ensure our polls are being done professionally and operate by the rules. If interested, let us know.

Making Calls and Door Knocking: we are looking for folks to help with making calls and door knocking in our community to help elect Republicans up and down the ballot. If you want to help protect our freedoms and elect more conservatives in office, this is the best way we can do it and NC GOP has made it easy with Red Dialer and Advantage. Come Join US  !

VOTER REGISTRATION: make sure you and your family and friends are registered to vote where you live! You can register at the Board Of Elections downtown Raeford, do it online here> https://www.ncsbe.gov/Voters/Registering-to-Vote or let us know and we’ll get you a registration form.

