March is officially the kickoff month for the 2022 campaign. Even though some folks think about politics and how if affects their lives almost year-round, the month of March just sort of fires everything off! From local races like soil and water, school board, county commissioners all the way up to statewide races and national races, ELECTIONS MATTER and your VOTE and support matters! ESPECIALLY THIS YEAR after that debacle in 2020.
MILITARY VOTERS; Please Vote Where YOU LIVE! Your vote matters especially for schools and local ordinances that affect you every day. N.C. Republicans recently passed a law saying Military Retiree Pay is TAX EXEMPT in North Carolina! PLEASE Register to VOTE HERE! >>> https://www.ncsbe.gov/registering/how-register
In Hoke County we have the largest slate of Republican candidates that we have ever had, and we also have a Republican Primary for County Commissioner in which we believe is the first time EVER! PRIMARIES are a part of the process sometimes and we hope that once the primary is over, we Republicans come together for the common goal to make our community a better place and elect folks that share our values. (Here is a link to the NC GOP Platform and you can find it under the About us page) >>>> www.nc.gop we have attached the Preamble to this email. “America is too great for small dreams” Ronald Reagan.
There will also be primary races in other races across the state and you need to do your homework and make sure you know the candidates. MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure you are registered to VOTE and VOTE in the primary which will be May 17. The civilian deadline for registering to vote in the primary is April 22. One stop early voting starts April 28 and ends May 14. Absentee Ballot request can be made NOW through the May 10 deadline. Absentee Ballots will start being sent out March 28. To see all the dates for the upcoming election, see the NC State Board of Elections web site link here> https://www.ncsbe.gov/voting/upcoming-election
TO SEE HOKE POLLING PLACES, go here: >>> http://hokecounty.net/235/Elections
We decided to kick off the election process by holding a Freedom Fish Fry on Friday March 11 from 4-7pm in the parking lot by Fit4Life Raeford by East Hoke Middle School, 4550 Fayetteville Rd Raeford, NC 28376. Stop by and get a list of all our candidates, meet some of the candidates, get you voter registration form and some good old FRIED FISH Plates or sandwich. (While Supplies Last). YOU WON’T MISS US look for the American Flag Tent with a Don’t Tread On Me-Gadsden Flag and big grill! We are fighting for our Civil Liberties, and we disagree with the direction of our government which seems to be headed to a more Socialist style government using Marxist ideas. If we don’t stand up now, we may not recognize our own country possibly in a few months or years. PLEASE SWING BY, show your support, bring a friend, and help us elect Republicans at all levels. (If you are on our Facebook Page, please share our events on your pages) attached to this email is our Freedom Fish Fry JPEG ad.
We have 15 Precincts and need to come together on March 12, 2022, at Rockfish Uhaul, Pack and Ship and Flea Market Building, 2950 Lindsay Rd Raeford NC 28376 at 11:00am to go over Precinct Captains and Neighborhood Captains. We’ll have some lunch and discuss ALL PRECINCTS! ANYONE can be a Precinct or Neighborhood Captain and we need at least one for each community. These folks are the backbone of the party.
Our County Convention is the highlight of the year where Republicans come together and get prepared for the upcoming election. We have two guest speakers this year in NC Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley and Kay Wildt President of the NC Federation of Republican Women and the Moore County Republican Women’s Club. The Federation and Women’s Club is the LARGEST WOMENS groups in the country and Kay will be talking directly to the women of the party on how to come together to help influence North Carolina and being a positive factor in the nation and state GOP. We will have a nice dinner and hear from candidates for the 2022 Mid-Term election. YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED Republican as of January 2022 unless invited as guest. County Conventions are crucial to attend District and State Conventions. Convention will be held downtown Raeford at Wilburn Lofts Meeting and Event Center starting at 6:00pm and you MUST PRE-REGISTER!! You can REGISTER HERE >>>> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hoke-county-gop-annual-convention-tickets-264672311007 or contact one of our Executive Board members.
CONVENTION NOTE: We are seeking Americana Items, Historical Items or Auction Worthy items for a LIVE AUCTION! If you can donate something for our auction. Please let us know ASAP. We will also have a 50/50 Split the POT and a Drawing for a flat screen TV.
Last year, Hoke GOP Adopted a section of Hwy 401 near Parker United Methodist Church. WE MUST every quarter set up a ROAD CLEAN UP DAY and this quarter it will be Saturday March 19 starting at 9:00am and we’ll clean up till about noon and then celebrate with a Hot Dog Grill out. WE WILL MEET Across Hwy 401 from Parker United Methodist Church at JOYCE LANE! Just put in Joyce Lane Raeford and you will find the parking area. We will be out there EARLY with cones and banner.
The Hoke County NAACP will be hosting a Candidate Forum on March 29, 2022 at Turlington School Auditorium from 6:00-8:30pm. Invitation is extended to all candidates running for office. Moderator will be Dr. William Munn, Senior Policy Analyst for the NC Justice Center. (We need to show support for our candidates by SHOWING UP for these type events)
KEEP UP WITH HOKE GOP in these areas
www.hokegop.com www.savehoke.net and FACEBOOK: Hoke County GOP!
Ronald Reagan once said that “America is too great for small dreams.” Throughout this great nation, people from all walks of life have dreamed of freedom, opportunity, and the chance to leave this world a better place for the next generation. The North Carolina Republican Party unequivocally defends that dream. We are the party of individuals and the institutions they create together—families, schools, congregations, neighborhoods—to advance their ideals and realize their dreams. We are the party that encourages equality for all citizens and embraces the inherent value of every single human being God creates—born and unborn. We are the party that defends the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and safeguards religious institutions against government control. We are the party of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and we affirm the fundamental principles of limited government, individual liberty, separation of powers, and the rule of law. We recognize God, not government, as the Author of these principles. We are the party that stands strong against tyranny and will fight at home and abroad to protect the lives and fundamental liberties of all people. We are the party of a growing economy that gives everyone—regardless of background–a chance in life, an opportunity to learn, work and realize the prosperity that is made possible by the freedom we hold dear. The Republican Party is committed to the values and ideals that are the true greatness of America, and we gladly join together to fight for justice, secure the blessings of liberty, and provide true opportunity and hope for generations to come.