The local newspaper, The News-Journal accepts letters to the editor every week and the last couple weeks there have been some that need to be brought to everyone’s attention. Obviously we want to give them full credit and encourage local citizens to subscribe to the local newspaper. Sometimes we don’t always agree with some of the things they do however, if it were not for the local newspaper, some of the stories we do like to see would not get posted. It’s actually what the don’t report that needs attention. That is why we are working on an alternative media source for Hoke County. ( If you’re interested, let us know ) More to come on that. Check out The News-Journal here and check out these three stories from recent weeks.

FACE MASKS IN COURT HOUSE: The individual should decide if they should wear masks. GEESH!

OFFICER PAY: Great Job Joey and where was all the concern PRIOR to it coming to Critical Mass ? It’s about PRIORITIES !

PUBLIC COMMENTS: We are already being silenced enough and you barley get time to speak anyway. Why weren’t these folks allowed to speak? Why did they go into closed session for NON-Personnel matters?