Don’t take my word for it, take Democrat Alma Adams word for it; This election will be a test for 2020! REPUBLICAN SWEEP SPECIAL ELECTION 2019 and Dan Bishop FLIPPED Cumberland and Richmond Counties from the stolen 2016 election from Mark Harris ( a good man ) and of course Dr. Greg Murphy in District 3 with a LANDSLIDE VICTORY !! FOLKS, if you think we can sit back on cruise control and win back the Congress in 2020, RE-ELECT Donald J. Trump, WIN BACK the Super Majority in the state legislature and elect more conservative judges and supreme court justices, your sadly misinformed. WE NEED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to step up, get off the bench and get involved in your local party!! If your an independent, come on over, if your a Democrat #WALKAWAY from the Crazy, Liberal, Progressive left that wants; Open Borders, Late Term Abortions, Healthcare for Illegals over our Veterans/Americans, are for Sanctuary Cities and Counties, Socialism and want America to Fail, Less Freedom of Religion, more Gun Control, less Freedom of Speech, ICE HATING, Fake News Loving, ones who feel they can spend our money better than WE CAN, higher taxes, lower wages, Law Enforcement abusing, Voter Fraud Loving, Green New Deal Cow Farts, Deep State Crooks, Antifa Supporting and wasting time on Impeachment of our GREAT PRESIDENT !! time to get on the TRUMP TRAIN !!! CHOO CHOO …Tired of Winning Yet ? NEXT Hoke GOP Meeting September 19, 2019 at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport, 7pm