Meeting Jan 16 Changed to Jan 23 PK’s Grill 7pm
Convention March 16 Downtown Raeford Old Armory Senior Room (6-9pm).
Candidate Meet and Greet being Planned for Wilburn Lofts after the Primary for ALL GOP Candidates!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! God Bless Our Troops and Our President!
It’s here. The 2020 election everyone has been talking about for some time now is here and we do have a Primary Election coming up on March 3 and the General Election will be Tuesday November 3. OF COURSE, 1 Liberal, Progressive Judge has stepped in and BLOCKED the will of the people of North Carolina and put a halt to what we overwhelmingly voted for in Voter ID. You will not have to provide an ID for the March 3 Primary at this moment. Seems very hypocritical to me since an ID is required for just about EVERYTHING ELSE and emphasizes the importance of people registering to vote, making sure your friends and family are registered to vote and also informing people of what the Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist Left is trying to do to our GREAT COUNTRY ! Become an informed voter and engaged in the process so others can be informed. I TRULY believe that Good and Patriotic Americans will step up and make their voices heard in 2020 and are tired of the left which have basically “lost their minds” and common sense. ABSENTEE VOTING is another way to vote if you cannot make it to Early Voting or Election Day. Absentee ballots can be requested here or CHANGE YOUR PARTY to Republican and mail it into the Hoke County Board of Elections, 227 N. Main St. Raeford, NC 28376. VOTE BY ABSENTEE!
EARLY VOTING starts February 13 and runs basically through February 29 and you can Early Vote at 2 locations in Hoke County, 1-Hoke County Board of Elections, 227 N. Main St Raeford, NC 28376 and 2-Rockfish Community Center, 2749 Lindsay rd. Raeford, NC 28376 in the Rockfish Community.
CANDIDATES: If you need to see the list of who will be on the Primary Ballots for all the positions, CLICK HERE> and scroll down to page 335-342 which shows who is on the slate for the March 3 Primary. (KEEP IN MIND, races that DO NOT HAVE a primary will not show up on this list.) SUCH AS, David Frump and Chris Holland running for Hoke County Commissioners, Sev Palacios running against Ben Clark for NC Senate District 21 and Johnny Boyles who has signed up to run against Garland Pierce for NC House District 48. They WILL BE on the General Election Ballot in November. ALSO, we are still seeking someone to run for the Hoke County School Board which filing will be in July for the November election. DON’T FORGET THE JUDGES and Supreme Court Races!!! We’ll get that list together to! DA RACE AS WELL for our new Judicial District with Moore County. Mike Hardin and Authur Donadio.
CANDIDATES need help! Have you ever wanted to work on a campaign or help local or statewide candidates get elected? IF YOU are one who would like to help, let us know as we have the MOST Republican Candidates on the ballot for 2020 and they need our help! ALSO and YOUNG REPUBLICANS that want to be involved, we can show you how! Connect with the NC Young Republicans Federation here>
NEXT MEETING JANUARY 23, 2019 at 7pm at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport, 155 Airport Rd. Raeford, NC 28376.
COUNTY CONVENTION will be MONDAY, March 16, 2019 (6-9 pm at the Senior Room Downtown Raeford NC in the Old Armory Building, 423 E. Central Avenue and we are working out the details at the January 23, 2019 meeting. YOU MUST attend your county convention if you plan to attend the NC GOP State Convention. ALSO Remember the Republican National Convention will be in Charlotte this fall.
MOORE COUNTY EVENT with Clarence Henderson, Civil Rights ICON will be January 16, 2019 at the Fair Barn at 6pm. We want to help our friends in Moore County as they have helped us and we will be working together to elect Republicans at all levels. LINK HERE> REGISTRATION DEADLINE January 10 so you better register fast or check back to see if they extend.
STILL NEED PRECINCT CAPTAINS! We have a few precincts that need people to “Step Up” in their community and be the voice in their neighborhood. IF THAT’s YOU, shoot us an email;
ASK FRIENDS to join our email list by emailing us at
Hoke County GOP
Facebook; Hoke GOP STATE: