Hoke GOP BLAST Primary Election Day 2022
2022 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY IS HERE! If you have not voted (which is a lot of folks) PLEASE go vote today! Polls are open until 7:30 p.m. and on PRIMARY ELECTION DAY you MUST vote in your Precinct! (Each Precinct has what is called Polling Locations) If you do not know what Precinct or Polling Location you are in, GO HERE and put in your name and county and it will show you! NC VOTER LOOK UP>>>> https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/
ONCE you have looked up your Voter Info which has your name, county, precinct and how registered, GO HERE and find the name of the Polling Location from the Local Board of Elections site (in which, names of precincts can be somewhat confusing, but addresses are correct!) >>>>http://hokecounty.org/329/Polling-Locations
NOTE: In the Primary, if you are a Republican (which everyone should be), you get a Republican Ballot! If you are a Democrat (you need to change and get away from the side that is destroying our country) but you will get a Democrat Ballot. If you are Unaffiliated Voter, YOU MUST DECIDE which ballot you want to support in the Primary and of course, we suggest Republican!!! YOU ASK WHY, just look how the drama, corruption, favors and kickbacks, nepotism the left here in Hoke have become accustomed to. WE NEED NEW DIRECTION, NEW IDEAS, NEW & DIVERSE PEOPLE elected across the spectrum in Hoke County! From County Commissioner’s, School Board, Judges, Clerks, Planning Board, Health Board, Sheriff Department, Economic Development, Social Services, Veteran Issues, and those dreaded Property Taxes that were miscalculating people’s property!!!
Not to mention focusing on Swimming Pools and Splash Pads over UPGRADING OUR SCHOOLS while other crumble and naming building after sitting elected officials! The CITIZENS do not want them to add on to Hoke County High School, but they choose not to listen! A JUDGE TOLD THEM YEARS AGO….’fix that courthouse” and yet we get Splash Pads, Swimming Pool, and the way they are building houses left and right with no regard to farming, families, military contractors, water/sewer (except for their buddies) and the dreaded BROADBAND ISSUE! They seem to always bring up Broadband Issues around election time. They seem to always start funding pet projects around election time! There’s one commissioner you never see in Hoke County and suddenly, he’s always around here during election time! SAME WITH our Democrat House Rep and Senate Rep! That will change in NOVEMBER!! We have NEW PEOPLE, NEW IDEAS, NEW DIRECTION, and we are DIVERSE!
PLEASE if you are a democrat, change to Unaffiliated or Republican before November and let’s all set a course for a BRIGHTER HOKE COUNTY!
WATCH PARTY: Tonight, we will be at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport to watch the election results come in for a while. Come fellowship and get to know our folks and you will see which party is the RIGHT CHOICE for a NEW BRIGHTER HOKE COUNTY!
OBSERVER’S: Hoke GOP has 14 Observer’s roaming the polling places today! They are out there for YOU! Keeping and eye on things that seem OFF! BUT, you to can report problems you experience, problems you see or things that just don’t seem right! REPORT THEM TO US; hokegop@gmail.com. NC GOP has a reporting web for just that. www.northcarolina.protectthevote.com
GOD BLESS each one of you and please sign up for our email list here> http://savehoke.net/join-email-list/ to stay on top of the issues. Follow us on Social Media and bookmark our web sites. www.savehoke.net and www.hokegop.com
Hoke GOP
Facebook: hoke County GOP
Instagram: @HokeGOP
Twitter: @HokeGOP
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