HOKE GOP BLAST November 17, 2021 ( Scroll All Way Down )
NEXT MEETING Thursday November 18, PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm
—–At this meeting we have invited all those who helped with the Hoke Veteran Appreciation Freedom BBQ to come out and have dinner with us! Everyone else comes out and enjoys some food and drink. We will be going over the event and start planning for our next BIG EVENT!
——ABOUT LAST WEEKEND: HOKE VETERAN APPRECIATION FREEDOM BBQ w/NC Lt Governor Mark Robinson, U.S. Congressman Dan Bishop, NC Senator Danny Britt Jr. Candidates for U.S. Senate; Mark Walker, Jennifer Banwart, NC Supreme Court Candidate (and current NC Court of Appeals Judge April C. Wood) and hundreds of Veterans and guests (over 500 people registered for this event at Raeford Airport and Skydive Paraclete XP and Sun Path Inc rolled out the red carpet for our Veterans! The All-Veteran Group Parachute Team and BoneSFork Band kept folks entertained and excited with awesome music and a WONDERFUL American Flag and POW Flag skydiving demo. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to go watch the video on our Hoke County GOP Facebook Page, but we will post pics and video links here.
NC Lt Governor Mark Robinson was able to speak to about 75 veterans inside the Hoke County VFW Post 10 headquarters. It was truly an inspirational speech both to the veterans and the larger crowd. Fuller’s BBQ Provided the Food and people got to meet with many sponsors and vendors. VIDEO LINK https://fb.watch/9lztF7p7zU/
——People are always asking us why don’t we see more stuff in our local newspaper The News-Journal and most of you know by now the passing of our Sheriff Dr. Hubert Peterkin and what 3 of the Hoke County Commissioners did to the citizens of this county by going against his wishes of placing his number 2 Chief Deputy Newman in his position however, James Leach, Tony Hunt and Harry Southerland went with the democratic Party Chairman and Democrat District Chairman and “appointed” someone with MUCH LESS experience and selected Politics over Safety. The new Sheriff Roderick Virgil sounds like a wonderful guy and a sound community person but it’s the experience that matters in Law Enforcement. It was a straight political decision. Obviously, we will support him during his 1 year on the job as the non-elected, democrat, “appointed” Sheriff but we also have heard MANY, MANY, well qualified EXPERIENCED people are considering a run and they have much more experience.
Our Chairman David Frump and Vice Chairman Chris Holland both wrote Letters to the Editor at The News-Journal, but the paper, for two weeks, has FAILED to run them. ( Not exactly against the grain, they don’t run A LOT of Conservative Republican editorial or news thus why it is important for EVERYONE to follow us on all our platforms; Facebook: Hoke County GOP, www.hokegop.com and www.savehoke.net. We are also starting an online and print media source beginning with www.hokemedia.wordpress.com If you are interested in MEDIA, Graphics, Editorials, Photo’s, Sports and more, PLEASE send us a message. (Please see their LETTERs they wrote at the bottom of this info)
SPEAKING OF RUNS, filing period for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections will be in December and there are many positions up for grabs. COME TO OUR meetings and get informed and aware of the issues.
The 2022 Election also offers opportunities for PAID Election Officials, Election Integrity folks and Poll workers, Judges and Asst Judges. COME GET ON BOARD and like the Lt Governor said, “It’s going to take ALL of us to get involved and STOP these liberal elites from destroying our country, state and county. WE NEED YOU!!
We meet the third Thursday of EVERY MONTH at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm.
The entire county seems to be amazed and stunned that the man our beloved late Sheriff Peterkin groomed as his successor Chief Deputy David Newton was passed over by the votes of three county commissioners at a meeting last week when they chose Reserve Deputy Rodrick Virgil as sheriff for a year. Gasps of disappointment and anger were heard from the overflow crowd who had come to support Deputy Newton. The crowd and the county should not be surprised that Sheriff Peterkin’s man was not picked since the choice was a pure matter of politics.
It was all made clear when past sheriff Jim Davis, who was defeated by Sheriff Peterkin in the primaries eighteen years ago, stood before the board as District Nine Chairman of the Democrat Party and pleaded for the board to appoint a democrat as sheriff. He was later echoed by Larry Readdy, the chairman of the Hoke County Democrat party. Both pointed out that a year from now the sheriff’s position would be up for election and by appointing a democrat it would be more likely they would win election next year. No mention was made of experience or qualification as a criterion for appointment. They handed the commissioners a list of five candidates they found acceptable in their eyes. Chief Deputy Newton was not on the list. From their list, three members of the board appointed Roderick Virgil. Apparently, Deputy Newton was disqualified since he is a registered independent. Commissioners Thomas and Baldwin supported Chief Deputy Newton.
It was a huge political gamble by the three commissioners to choose a reserve deputy over the man Sheriff Peterkin placed his trust and confidence. Nobody wants Sheriff Virgil to fail, and we wish him success since the safety of our community hangs in the balance. Surely, he is an honorable and talented man. But the question remains, will our new Sheriff win the confidence and support of the community sufficient to overlook the fact they were not heard in the choice of sheriff’s? We shall find out next November when we go to the polls. It is the American way.
Hoke GOP Chairman David Frump
(Monday, Nov.1st), a majority of our County Commissioners choose pure partisan politics over public safety in the appointment of our new Sheriff. During the public comment section, Jim Davis, NC 9th District Democrat Chair, spoke of the need to “appoint a Democrat so that he would be in a better position to win next year’s election.”
While Sheriff Peterkin was elected as a Democrat, he spoke often that he “was a Sheriff for all of Hoke County.” At numerous Hoke County Republican events, Sheriff Peterkin demonstrated that his primary concern was the safety and security of Hoke County, not politics. I don’t assume to speak for how Sheriff Peterkin would have advised the Commissioners to vote; however, I personally witnessed the confidence and trust he placed in Chief Deputy David Newton.
Commissioner Thomas spoke that night of Sheriff Peterkin’s last public meeting before the board. At that meeting, Chief Deputy Newton arrived in Sheriff Peterkin’s absence and prepared to petition the Commissioners for additional funds to purchase a needed vehicle. Although Sheriff Peterkin was able to arrive prior to the start of the meeting, he instructed Chief Deputy Newton to make the presentation in his stead. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.” Sheriff Peterkin demonstrated on that occasion that he had absolute trust and confidence in Chief Deputy Newton’s ability to act in his absence. Sheriff Peterkin didn’t “say” how prepared to lead the Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Newton is, he “showed” it in his actions.
It is a sad day for Hoke County residents; the candidate for appointment to Sheriff (coached and mentored for over 19 years by Sheriff Peterkin) was sidelined by Commissioners whose thoughts were on “who could best compete in the next election,” instead of considering which candidate has the experience, knowledge, and capability to carry on the fine tradition of “apolitical” service by our Sheriff.
Several Deputies at the meeting were in tears as the vote was cast. I worry about the morale of our Sheriff’s department; while the recent pay raise was sorely needed and appreciated, no amount of money can replace the feeling of betrayal many of those Deputies experienced last night. I commend Commissioners Thomas and Baldwin for looking beyond politics and considering the best interests of the residents of Hoke County. For the other Commissioners, in the words of the current President, “Come on man.” You must do better for us all.
Chris Holland
Hoke County Republican Party