Hoke GOP BLAST June 10, 2021
WE HOPE EVERYONE is getting geared up for summer! Make sure you take time to enjoy living in the best country on the face of the planet!
We have been BUSY IN THE COMMUNITY and have some more big events coming up. On June 5 we held our second Hoke GOP/House of Raeford Community Chicken sale at the Rockfish Flea Market. Chris Holland headed up the event and we invited some of the Hoke County Bucks football team to assist us with the heavy lifting. Coach George Small got about 6 players to come help distribute and each player got a FREE case of chicken to take home plus, the Hoke County Republican Party donated $500 to the football team to help players attend a camp in Raleigh with the NFL Players Alumni Association. This time around we sold 274 cases of chicken, last time we did 683 cases of chicken. We donated 15 boxes of chicken to the Open-Door Soup Kitchen and the Affairs of the Family Rockfish. Our next chicken sale will be this fall so keep your eyes peeled to our web site and Facebook page.
THIS SATURDAY JUNE 12 –COMMUNITY CLEANUP DAY: In conjunction with the Hoke County Community clean-up day, the Hoke Republican Party volunteers will pick up trash along our recently adopted 401 (Fayetteville Road) section. We will meet at the Wright Agriculture building, 645 E. Palmer St Raeford at 09:00am on Saturday June 12. From there, we will move to Joyce Lane (vacant field across from Parker Church), where we will park, and proceed to clean both sides of the right-of-way on 401 from Parker Church to Pittman Grove Church Road (approximately 1 mile). At about 12:00 noon, we will meet back at Joyce Lane for a hotdog appreciation cookout. The first 13 people to respond with “I’m there” will receive a HOKE GOP t-shirt for volunteering. Look forward to seeing you there where we put our words into action for the betterment of our community!
NC GOP CONVENTION was a huge success last weekend and we had representatives there with President Trump and 1,700 of our closest friends. Chairman David Frump, Johnny Boyles and Mike Buzun enjoyed the 3-day convention, and they will have a REPORT during our next monthly meeting which will be Thursday June 17, 2021, at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm.
SUNDAY JULY 4, 2021, Independence Day Celebration FIREWORKS and FOOD TRUCKS at the Raeford Airport! We will have a tent and table at this event so come on out and enjoy an afternoon of skydiving, great food, fellowship and FIREWORKS! The folks at www.skydiveparacletexp.com always do an AMAZING JOB!
VOTING MACHINES and VOTER ROLLS: Our group is engaged and involved in the voting process and are determined to make sure elections are safe and secure. WE were responsible for bringing to light the nursing home Absentee Ballot issues that resulted in two women being charged and convicted with Voter Fraud (that some think does not happen). Last week Chris Holland attended the new Voting Machine Tabulators demonstration at the Board of Elections. While these new machines are supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread, we are keeping an eye on the processes to which our elections are conducted. Another issue where we will need some help from people on is the CLEANING UP the voter rolls. We need people to help verify addresses and check on those “unsolicited” Absentee Ballot requests.
CRITICAL “RACIST” THEORY (that is what we call it) C.R.T.! WE MUST get parents involved in what their children are being taught and we have a couple of folks (could use more) to help us navigate what standards are being taught and what our teachers are being forced to learn in this area. Our children should be taught how to think not what to think, and NEVER be made to feel inferior solely based on their skin color. Teachers and leaders should NOT be forced to go through training that pushes this type of racist policy. We need people to run for School Board, attend meetings and dig into the issues surrounding our schools.
MASSIVE HOUSING BOOM: Looks like a lot of Hoke citizens spoke at the last commissioners meeting about all the housing developments they are allowing just about everywhere. People came to speak about the PRIORITIES of Hoke County leaders when it comes to Infrastructure, Roads, Emergency Services, Water, Sewer and SCHOOLS! With schools already overcrowded, where are all these kids going to go to school? YEAH, we are building splash pads, swimming pools and courthouses, what about our kids? What about the Land Use Plan developed many years ago? There just seems to be no plan other than, EVERYTHING IS APPROVED! Maybe we should do another “deep dive” into Political Campaign Contributions and see who is helping who!
JOIN US for our next meeting June 17, 2021, at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm. Follow us on social media and Web Sites! GET INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS!
Facebook: Hoke County GOP
Parler: @HokeGOP
MeWe: @HokeGOP