Hoke GOP Blast July 10
SCHOOL BOARD: Some members of Hoke GOP and community will be speaking Tuesday night at the Hoke County School Board meeting reference the new Social Study standards approved by the State Board of Education (6-5 vote) this week. If you would like to speak, you must complete the request form on the link below and have it turned into school board by noon on Monday. https://sites.google.com/hcs.k12.nc.us/boardofeducation/home the meeting will be at 6:30 pm at the Hoke County High School Library.
REGULAR MEETING: The regular monthly meeting of the Hoke County Republican Party is this coming Thursday July 15, 2021 at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport at 7pm. COME JOIN US!
SALE ITEMS: Hoke GOP has some items you can purchase to help raise money for the party (and donations accepted). We have t-shirts, hats, notebooks, and our Gun Drawing for First Prize- Winchester SPX Black Shadow 12-gauge pump shotgun, Second- CHOICE Tandem Skydive or Family 4 pack in the Wind Tunnel, Third-$200 cash. Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25 and we will have Lt Governor Mark Robinson draw the winning tickets at our event with him November 13, 2021, at Raeford Airport (more info to com)
PRECINCT CAPTAINS: If you are a precinct captain or would like to be in charge or assist with a precinct, come to the meeting, or let us know as we are planning some precinct training in the next few weeks.
BLM Chapter “People who fly the American flag are racist, not safe. Todd Starnes https://www.toddstarnes.com/cancel-culture/blm-american-flag-hate-symbol-racist-fear/?utm_source=Todd+Starnes+Newsletter&utm_campaign=060d574506-Aug+25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_92d26c77ee-060d574506-113951917
GAY CHORUS: “We’ll convert your kids” Todd Starnes https://www.toddstarnes.com/crime/watch-gay-chorus-sing-well-convert-your-children/?utm_source=Todd+Starnes+Newsletter&utm_campaign=060d574506-Aug+25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_92d26c77ee-060d574506-113951917
Facebook: Hoke County GOP