JULY 4 EVENT: Each year the great folks at the Raeford Airport personally put on a Fireworks display on or around July 4. This year it falls on Sunday. Hoke GOP will be out there and have a table, tent near PK’s Grill. COME ON OUT, bring a lawn chair and fellowship together and watch skydivers during the day and Fireworks at night. We understand there will be some food trucks and of course PK’s will be open. We will be out there around 4 pm appropriately.

JULY 13 SCHOOL BOARD: As most of you are aware, Critical Race Theory is taking over our school system and some of you have asked about Hoke County Schools. They have not adopted any standards yet, but their next meeting is Tuesday July 13 at 6:30 pm. Normally they meet at the School Board building however, due to covid, they have been meeting at the High School Library. Some of you have asked about speaking to the school board and their policy is YOU MUST request to speak in writing, and have it turned in by noon the day prior which would be July 12. Here is the link to request to speak> https://sites.google.com/hcs.k12.nc.us/boardofeducation/home

ALSO FOR NOTE: Hoke County Schools has stated they DO PLAN to make masks mandatory for the upcoming school year. They have also put a questionnaire out for the schedule for next year, LINK HERE> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScV0v-U9jRLKn-bYn0wt9QnNlUjp8K3wauYRPRGBJqxjYKZiA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR32EMNQcs337KibTWUrL6LeDgX9Foec4ms1vrT466IXia2iNRSGbugcjt0

NEXT REGULAR MEETING will be July 15 at PK’s Grill Raeford Airport 7pm

FUNDRAISING: Typically, in off year cycles, political organizations focus on fundraising and this year we have multiple ways you can help support monetarily. We are doing a drawing for First Place: Winchester SPX Black Shadow 12 Gauge Pump shotgun sponsored by Raeford Guns, Second Place choice: Tandem Skydive or Family Four Pack at Wind Tunnel sponsored by Skydive Paraclete XP, Third Place will be $200 cash by Hoke GOP. Tickets will be available starting Sunday July 4 and we will draw the winning ticket at our November 13 (Veteran’s Day weekend event, more info to come) HOWEVER, our GREAT Lt Governor Mark Robinson will be our Keynote Speaker!!! You can see any executive committee member for tickets, and we will be posting info soon on November event.

HOKE COUNTY BUDGET: The Hoke County Commissioners approved a $57.6 million dollar budget this week that includes $28.6 million in Property Tax, $13.3 million in sales tax, $4.7 from Social Service revenue, $2.8 million in Health Department revenue and $1.5 million in Fund Balance and then they said “and multiple smaller amounts from other county departments and fees” (quoted from The News-Journal this week). A keynote is that they did not raise any taxes and of course we commend them for that! The budget being $57.6 million subtracted by revenue coming in of $50.9 million leaves about $6.7 million in “other departments and fee’s”. Is this budget sustainable? We’ll have some folks dig into the budget soon and see exactly what’s going on. We wonder what those “other department and fee’s” were over the last few years? I’m sure we can find out.

CONVENTION OF STATES: The North Carolina Convention of States (COS) Team received great news this past week. North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson publicly announced his support for the Convention of States Project on his Facebook Page. PLEASE USE THIS link to contact your Senator TODAY: https://www.votervoice.net/COSACTION/Campaigns/86394/Respond

The COS resolution (HJR 233) passed in the North Carolina House this May. Now we need the Senate to act so North Carolina can be the 16th state to call for a convention to impose term-limits on Congress and federal officials, restore fiscal sanity in D.C., and rein in an out-of-control federal government.

The 2021 regular legislative session is nearing its end. It is urgent that you contact your state senator right now and urge him/her to support the COS resolution HJR 233 and to push for its passage during the 2021 regular session.

Click here and our free look-up tool will match you with your state senator. Additionally, a phone and email script is provided for your convenience. Please personalize this message for maximum impact.

In Liberty, Grant Martin. Regional Director, Convention of States Email: grant.martin@cosaction.com Phone: 540-450-4040

HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY American Independence Day Weekend !!!



Facebook: Hoke County GOP