FRIDAY THE 13th, “I ain’t scared of no ghosts”!

This is a Down and Dirty Blast! There is SO MUCH GOING ON in our world today! Stay grounded, stay in God’s Will, and we will all get thru it! We win in the end anyway!

GOP News

Community Fish Fry

Fish Fry on 14th is CANCELED due to the threat of rain! We WILL RESCHEDULE!

Where We Are By The Numbers

We get asked a lot about how we are doing, this is a difficult question to answer for a couple of reasons. 

First, this is the first time we have had a primary at the local level and in most cases typically only have a few Republican primaries at either the state or federal level therefore nothing to compare to. 

Second, is a by-product of number one. Since we have very little to compare to, we do not know what we don’t know about which reports or data matter, and this has been a steep learning curve. So, the easiest way to show/explain where we are at is through the numbers we do have.

Over the last 30-90 days we have achieved the following:

Voter turnout:

  • As of 12 Nov, we had 442 Republican early ballots cast. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but in the 2018 primary there were only 548 total Republican ballots pulled, with most voting taking place the day of the election.

Voter Contact:

  • Instagram – last 90 days 63 Followers, 928 unique accounts reached, 32 shares, and 10 website link clicks. Before March we did not have Instagram. 
  • Constant Contact (email blast) – in the last 30days has added 62 new emails enrolled.
  • Robocalls and text – we have sent out 2000 text messages to 7 specific voting groups 
  • Door knocking – our volunteers have knocked on over 600+ doors across the county and handed out over 700+ pieces of our pledge along with sample ballots.
  • Held or participated in seven meet and greet, or voter outreach events 

17 May will show us the path forward. We are growing, and we can always use more volunteers to assist with door knocking, phone banking, planning, or just great discussion.


Today and tomorrow are the last days to EARLY VOTE! 

Tuesday, May 17 is PRIMARY ELECTION DAY! We have about 12 Poll Observers (we will need more for November) but we are grateful to have people willing to watch the cheating. 

REMEMBER, after the primary, we must come together and continue moving Onward and Upward!

Reporting Issues at the Polls

There is a Procedure! If you see something that seems wrong, out of line, or is not legal, the person who witnesses it needs to report it! If you feel harassed, intimidated, or threatened in any way, GET A HOLD OF US, and we will show you how to report it! (No, seeing something and telling us is not reporting it. You must file a report, and it can be done through email or online) ASK US ! 

New Web Design

Check out our new web design and if you have a friend who needs this info ( and you know someone just popped in your head) send this email and tell them to CLICK HERE to sign up for our EMAIL LIST!!  THANKS, ERICA!

We Need Volunteers

Just like the other side, we need volunteers to help Observe, Work the Polls, Pass out INFO, Put Out Signs, knock on doors, register people to vote, etc, etc, etc. Lots to do! But we can’t do it without you! Teamwork makes the dream work.

If you would like to help pass out info at a POLL on Election Day, let us know!

We have an EXCELLENT OUTREACH COORDINATOR/Strategic Planner in Jeremiah Goodpaster, and you can email us or him on ways to help!

Election Integrity Team

RNC, NCGOP, 9th District and Hoke GOP ALL HAVE Election Integrity teams! If you would like to help on those teams now and moving into November, PLEASE LET US KNOW!

Donations Needed!

It takes money to host events, and we need your support! Please donate to Hoke GOP by check or PayPal at If writing a check, please write to Hoke County GOP and mail it to 140 Chapel Hill Drive Raeford, NC 28376. 

Currently, PayPal is our only online donation source!

Upcoming Events

Get Out The Vote Weekend of Action

This weekend is a national weekend of action. While the core of our efforts revolve around walking neighborhoods, calling voters, and creating opportunities for candidates to get in front of voters, you can make a difference in your sphere of influence. Talk to your friends and neighbors about voting, educate them on the issues, help them register to vote, post about it on social media. Every little bit helps!

Law Enforcement Appreciation Lunch

Monday, May 16 (this coming Monday), we will be at Hwy 55 Burger Shakes and Fries across from High School to THANK our Law Enforcement folks and their families with FREE LUNCH ON US from 11 am – 2 pm. Stop by meet some folks and PERSONALLY THANK our Law Enforcement!

Click here for more information.

Election Results Rally

TUESDAY NIGHT, May 17, around 6:30 or 7 pm we will rally at PK’s to watch the results come in! 

Click here for more information!

Next General Meeting

Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 7 pm at PK’s Grill 

Oh wow, the IMPROVEMENTS they have made out there reminds me of CHEERS!  Hey NORM!!! Outside patio upgrade, back-room upgrade, TV’s and AC and did I mention, People Jumping out of Planes!!!! Which we will do again this Veteran’s Day weekend! 


NC GOP State Convention

NC GOP STATE CONVENTION is May 20-22 in Greensboro.

Click here to register.

Hoke & Scotland Animal Welfare Team Meeting

On Tuesday, May 24, come out to Something’s Brewing 1 Coffee Shop, 7104 Fayetteville Rd, Raeford, from 4:30 – 6 p.m., for the best coffee in Hoke County and discussion about helping animals. We will be working with elected officials, law enforcement, and candidates for office to start solving the animal abuse problems in our community.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact Melissa Swarbrick at 910-603-1701 or

Hoke Fest

We are looking to have a spot at Hoke Fest by East Hoke Middle School, June 3-12. Not sure if EVERY DAY, but Weekends for sure! Stop by, grab some Carnival Food, ride some rides, and enjoy Hoke Fest which started with the Hoke County Centennial 2011!!!

Mark Your Calendar

Mark your calendars now, so you don’t miss out on community events and what’s happening in the party. View our full calendar on Save Hoke.

You can also check our Facebook Page or web Calendar for times and dates of events! Set an alert for Calendar Events so that you don’t miss them!

  • Now – May 14 – Primary Early Voting
  • May 13 – 15 – Get Out The Vote Weekend of Action
  • May 14 – Community Fish Fry 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. @ 
  • May 17 – NC Republican Primary
  • May 17 – Election Results Victory Rally – 6:30 p.m. @ PK Grill
  • May 16 – Police Appreciation Lunch 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. @ Highway 55
  • May 19 – Monthly GOP Meeting 7 p.m. @ PK Grill
  • May 19 – 22 – State Convention
  • May 24 – Hoke & Scotland Animal Welfare Team 4:30 – 6 p.m. @ Something’s Brewing
  • June 3 – 12 – Hoke Fest 
  • June 9 – Executive board meeting 6 p.m. @ PK Grill
  • June 16 – Monthly GOP meeting 7 p.m. @ PK Grill

Important Links

Handy links for yourself or to share with your friends.

Social Media Links