Hello, Hoke County Friends!
WELL, our first opportunity to correct the debacle of 2020 is here with the 2022 Primaries!
We all know what happened and we all know where it has led us in this country with Inflation, Economy, Crime, Illegal Immigration, Chaos at the Border, Abortion Being Celebrated, Anxiety of Nuclear Threat, Free Speech Attacked, The Hunter Diaries, Churches Shut Down, Paying People to Stay Home, Parents Attacked for Advocating for their Children, CRT Thrown in Everyone’s Face, Porn In Schools (While Reading, Writing, Math grades plummet), Judges Legislating from The Bench!
Don’t get me started with LOCAL where Politics Matters the MOST! Pools Before Schools, Lack of Transparency, Buddy System Contracting, Taking Advantage of Seniors and Mentally Challenged for Votes, Dilapidated Buildings and Homes, Unfettered Growth (growth is good, but it needs to be managed properly), Handling of the Sheriff Department Situation, Crime on the Rise, School Board Not Listening to Parents (Blocking them at Every Turn), Military Contractors Being Turned Away WHILE Gambling Places were allowed, Appointing People Based on Friendships and Not Qualifications and Out of Control Spending and Loans…well, I guess I started.
GOD BLESS YOU ALL, and may the Lord of Heaven and Earth continue to bless you and your family, North Carolina and the United States of America! COME JOIN US !
GOP News
Early Primary Voting Is Underway!!
Early voting is underway and runs from April 28-May 14 at TWO locations (YOU CAN VOTE AT EITHER LOCATION)
- Rockfish Community Building, 2749 Lindsay Road, Raeford NC (in the Rockfish Community)
- Downtown Raeford at the Hoke County Board of Elections Office, 227 N. Main St Raeford, NC 28376.
Election Day is May 17, and all 15 Precincts will be OPEN, and on that day YOU MUST vote at your precinct!
Hoke GOP “Does Not Endorse” in the Primary but if you are an Unaffiliated Voter, PLEASE CHOOSE a Republican Ballot and select who you feel is the BEST CANDIDATE!
If you are a Democrat Voter, “VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT” because we need change, and WE Hoke GOP ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to change Party Affiliations to Republican!
If you are an Unaffiliated Voter, we encourage you to attend our events and learn how our ideas for a Better Hoke County will work for ALL CITIZENS!
ATTACHED is our 2022 Primary Sample Ballot! Take it with you, keep it on your phone, share with your friends and neighbors and BECOME INVOLVED in a New Directions for Hoke County!
A Word on Judges
JUDGE RACES ARE VITALLY IMPORTANT!! Do your homework and vote for Constitutional, Christian, Conservative Judges with a GOOD TRACK RECORD!
Volunteers Needed!
Just like the other side, we need volunteers to help Observe, Work the Polls, Pass out INFO, Put Out Signs and we have an EXCELLENT OUTREACH COORDINATOR/Strategic Planner in Jeremiah Goodpaster, and you can email us hokegop@gmail.com or him Jeremiah.goodpaster@gmail.com on ways to help!
Donations Needed!
it takes money to host events, and we need your support! Please donate to Hoke GOP by check or PayPal at hokegop@gmail.com. If writing a check, please write to Hoke County GOP and mail it to 140 Chapel Hill Drive Raeford, NC 28376.
Currently, PayPal is our only online donation source!
Upcoming Events
NC 9th District Convention
NC GOP 9th District Convention is this Saturday, April 30 at Pinehurst Village Hall, 395 Magnolia Rd Pinehurst NC, with Registration from 4-5pm and Convention Starts at 5pm. There is a $15 Registration Fee for ALL ATTENDEES! —-EVEN GUESTS—-just learned that yesterday.
Click here to register and pay
Mark Walker to Preach at FBC of Raeford
Reverend and Candidate for U.S. Senate Mark Walker will be bringing the message this Sunday at First Baptist Church Raeford downtown at 11:00 am. The church is located across the street from the Hoke Public Library at 333 N. Main St Raeford, NC 28376.
Candidate Meet & Greet
Come out or tune in live via Zoom and get to know your candidates! The Rockfish Community Volunteer Board is hosting a candidate Meet & Greet Tuesday, May 3, at 7 p.m. at 2950 Lindsay Rd, Raeford.
We would love to see you there. Come show your support and get educated about who is running and what they stand for.
Click here for more information.
NC GOP State Convention
NC GOP STATE CONVENTION is May 20-22 in Greensboro.
Mark Your Calendar
Mark your calendars now, so you don’t miss out on community events and what’s happening in the party. You can also view our full calendar on Save Hoke.
- April 28 – May 14 – Primary Early Voting
- April 30 – District Convention in Moore County
- May 1 – Mark Walker 11 a.m. @ First Baptist Church of Raeford
- May 3 – Candidate Meet & Greet 7 p.m. @ Rockfish Community Center
- May 19 – 22 – State Convention
- May 12 – Executive Board Meeting 6 p.m. @ PK Grill
- May 17 – NC Republican Primary
- May 16 – Police Appreciation Chicken BBQ
- May 19 – Monthly GOP Meeting 7 p.m. @ PK Grill